Bright Insight
Science & Tech • Spirituality/Belief • Education
I'm Jimmy Corsetti, and my channel is called Bright Insight. I'm an inquisitive nerd for ancient mysteries, conspiracies, and the cosmos. I enjoy asking questions and creating conversations. I'm combining my unique background and life experience to make thought-provoking video presentations.

The truth is found with an open mind, and the truth is often stranger than fiction.
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It’s nearly 2025, and we still have NO IDEA how the Egyptians built the Pyramids!

🔈 volume up 😂

WHY are the 3 oldest and most mysterious ancient sites on earth Not being appropriately excavated?? 🤔

Gobekli Tepe, Gunung Padang, and the ‘Hidden Chamber’ within the Great Pyramid.

Tahiti and the Lost Continent of Mu

In reference to the pre- dynastic precision stone vases, these cutters are all set to the same length so they can all run together on a machine with multiple cutting heads. This is about as close as you get in the aircraft industry. These are all within .0002" or about 7 microns. The parts these cutters make are held to a tolerance of +.005 -.003 inches.

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JFK File release update!👇🏻
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President Trump should establish a Committee on Archaeology & Lost Ancient Civilizations.

Our true ancient past is vastly different than what we were taught in school.

A Great civilization once existed, but mysterious vanished. We must learn from History to ensure our future!

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