Bright Insight
Science & Tech • Spirituality/Belief • Education
I'm Jimmy Corsetti, and my channel is called Bright Insight. I'm an inquisitive nerd for ancient mysteries, conspiracies, and the cosmos. I enjoy asking questions and creating conversations. I'm combining my unique background and life experience to make thought-provoking video presentations.

The truth is found with an open mind, and the truth is often stranger than fiction.
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Does this obliterated 40Ton Lamassu statue of Ancient Iraq look like it was merely consumed by wind-blown sand over time?

Or, was it bulldozed by catastrophic Flooding & mud?

It’s interesting that it just so happens to be located in the same exact region of the described Biblical Flood. And btw, these statues are 530 Miles North of the Persian Gulf 🌊

What happened here? 🤔

I think there is far more truth to ancient religious texts than most would have thought possible 😬

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It’s nearly 2025, and we still have NO IDEA how the Egyptians built the Pyramids!

🔈 volume up 😂

WHY are the 3 oldest and most mysterious ancient sites on earth Not being appropriately excavated?? 🤔

Gobekli Tepe, Gunung Padang, and the ‘Hidden Chamber’ within the Great Pyramid.

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The Legend of Taga: an Island Mystery of Giant Proportions

Jimmy are you going to go
to this he’s in the US unveiling New secrets

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